Helping older adults age well in our community

The Why
For their life success, it is key that older adults have the supports that they need to age well in the community of their choice. Cities and towns that are age friendly bring about a better quality of life for older adults and everyone that lives in them.
- Nationally, almost 10,000 Baby Boomers turn the age of 65 every day.
- People are living longer and healthier lives; while ultimately a fortunate circumstance, this is putting a strain on health care and human services capacity.
- Those aged 50 and older are a growing segment of people experiencing homelessness.
- United Way manages the Aging Well Volunteer Recruitment Initiative, which connects volunteers with older adult serving organizations throughout Weld County.
Across the United States, a seismic human services shift is occurring as the Baby Boomer generation—the largest generation in size until Millennials—enters into retirement age. As people live longer, more assistance specifically for older adults is needed, both for those growing older at home, and for those living in long-term care facilities. Colorado’s 65+ population is growing at the third fastest rate in the nation—between 2010 and 2020 this group grew 75% in Weld County.
This situation is difficult for many households and can be costly for our community. Locally, there will be an increased need for activities such as home delivered meals, transportation, personal care services, case management and helping with chores, to list just a few. A 2018 Weld County survey indicated that 25% of older adults have experienced a problem accessing safe and affordable transportation.
The partnership between the Active Adult Center and United Way has been transformative for our community. Thanks to the Senior Assistance Scholarship Grant through United Way, individuals who might otherwise be unable to afford participation are now enjoying our diverse range of classes, programs, and trips. This initiative has provided not only financial support but also a renewed sense of belonging and enrichment for many seniors.
Sheri Lobmeyer, Recreation Coordinator, Active Adult Center / City of Greeley Recreation
It’s crucial for older adults to have the necessary support to age well in their chosen community. Age-friendly cities and towns enhance the quality of life for older adults and all residents. However, meeting these needs can be challenging for many households and costly for the community.
What United Way Invests in:
- Enhancing physical and mental health outcomes for older adults
- Supporting individuals with memory and dementia issues along with their caregivers
- Ensuring access to food
- Offering case management and grief recovery support
- Expanding housing, recreation, and transportation options
- Facilitating volunteer connections for assisting older adults
Supported programs
60+ Ride
A Little Help
Alzheimer’s Association
Assisted Living Locator
Carbon Valley Active Adults Center
Catholic Charities
Centennial Area Health Education Center
City of Greeley Active Adult Center
Colorado Department of Veterans Affairs
Community Grief Center
Connections for Independent Living
CSU Weld County Extension
Cycling Without Age
Dementia Together*
Ensight Skills Center
FirstLight Home Care
Good Samaritan Society
Greeley-Weld Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity of the St. Vrain Valley
High Plains Library District
Hispanic Women of Weld County
Hope Lives
Lifecare Center of Greeley
Meals on Wheels of Greeley & Weld County
North Colorado Health Alliance
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization/RideNoCO
North Range Behavioral Health
Northern Colorado Guardianship
Pathways Hospice
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Senior Life Solutions
Seniors Helping Seniors
Systems of Care Initiative
The Toolbox
The Weld Trust
Town of Fredrick
Town of Kersey Recreation
United Way of Weld County
University of Northern Colorado
Volunteers of America
Weld Community Foundation
Weld County Area Agency on Aging
Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment
Weld County Employment Services
Weld Food Bank
Interested in learning more about United Way and Aging Well? Sign up to receive our bi-weekly electronic newsletter or call at 970-353-4300.