Impact areas
Learn about our major areas of focus in the community. United Way has the vision, experience, relationships, and ability to take on and solve some of Weld County’s biggest challenges.
1 in 6
Weld County residents are helped by United Way funded programs and services every year
families receive diapers and supplies monthly
youth receive scholarships for Weld County rec programs every year
people have moved from homelessness
to a stable home
referrals are made for people in need of help through 211 Colorado @ UWWC yearly
Thank you cornerstone partners
With cash and in-kind donations, Cornerstone Partners generously provide foundational support for United Way’s work. This means that your donation is used only for assisting our more vulnerable Weld County neighbors.
Thank you Major Funders
Major Funders provide a large portion of United Way of Weld County’s annual community impact budget, leading to the provision of direct service programs like the Covering Weld Diaper Bank and the Housing Navigation Center and supporting efforts at many other nonprofit organizations. Thank you to these businesses, foundations, government agencies and other significant donors.
Recent News
United Way of Weld County welcomes five new board members
United Way of Weld County is pleased to announce the appointment of five new members to its Board of Directors. The new board members, Lisa Hudson, Pam Hungenberg, Beth Longenecker, […]
Tackling the child care desert in Weld County
In Weld County, the child care crisis has reached critical levels, turning our community into a child care desert where affordable and accessible child care is increasingly scarce. The lack […]
United Way of Weld County Announces Modified Shelter Hours and Seasonal Closure
United Way of Weld County has announced new weekend hours for the Housing Navigation Center’s 24-hour shelter located at 870 28th Street, Greeley. Starting Sunday, July 7, 2024, the shelter […]