Many nonprofits in Weld County operate with minimal budgets. Sometimes the expertise and commitment of volunteers is the only way these organizations can achieve their mission. On average, about 26% of Americans volunteer. Colorado consistently surpasses the national average – nearly one third of Coloradoan’s volunteer each year – that’s 1.32 million people! Coloradoans volunteer, on average, 160 million hours of service a year, averaging 40 hours per resident each year.
Volunteer Engagement at United Way of Weld County helps make these community connections for volunteerism. Five reasons to volunteer your time…
- make memories with your family and friends
- improve your health (studies show that people who volunteer have a lower rate of mortality)
- meet new people in our community
- learn new skills (that might even prepare you for a new or different job)
- be happier (research finds that the more people volunteer, the happier they are)
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill
Volunteer Engagement at United Way of Weld County provides direct service to the Weld County community and creates a more connected, cohesive and supportive environment for all its citizens. Volunteer Engagement acts as a hub for connecting interested volunteers and companies by promoting meaningful opportunities via a registration and referral website. Volunteer Engagement also convenes conversations and holds trainings on nonprofit volunteer management capacity building.
Additionally, Volunteer Engagement oversees the United Way volunteer management system and recruits volunteers for a number of United Way programs, projects and events.
“We receive volunteers, and are especially grateful to United Way of Weld County Volunteer Engagement for the volunteers who helped with our Day of Caring projects, and other groups who have been here because of United Way. The volunteer website of places where people can volunteer is long overdue.”
Verna, Volunteer Coordinator, Catholic Charities Guadalupe Community Center