The back-to-school season is more important than ever, though these days I think of it differently. Before I thought of pencils and paper and backpacks and being sure to be on time for the first day of class. Now I think that back to school preparations begin in the first years of a child’s life, far earlier than the “school years.” Birth to kindergarten is the most critical time for a child’s future; nearly all (85%) of a person’s intellect, personality, and social skills are developed by age 3. Perhaps getting ready for back-to-school should begin much earlier?
This thinking—that the earliest years are the most important—motivates me to lead United Way of Weld County’s Reading Great by 8 initiative. While not as official as school districts or as resourced as higher education, the Weld County early childhood development system is arguably more important.
A primary contributor is child care providers, those who watch our children while we are at work or meeting other commitments. This includes child care centers, licensed home-based providers, and our family, friends, and neighbors. United Way invests in providers to increase the quality of care provided, which in turn helps our children grow in their early years. The United Way investment also leads to the growth of the providers.
Lucy is a great example. She began with United Way’s PASO Institute for gaining information that would benefit her grandchildren. Shortly into the 15-week course, Lucy was not very interested and considered dropping out. Convinced by classmates to continue, she gradually changed her feelings about PASO. At graduation, Lucy had one of the highest grades and applied for her Child Development Associate certification. After receiving her CDA credential, Lucy began charging for her child care. She now runs a successful home-based business, caring for her grandchildren and those of neighbors. Because of United Way donors, in years ahead Lucy will invest in the future success of dozens of children.
The more we invest in children early in life, the more benefit we receive. Depending on the quality, intensity, and duration of a program, when we spend $1 on early childhood education the return on investment ranges from $8-$16 in increased income and decreased social services spending later in life.
Over 40 years ago researchers in North Carolina began The Abecedarian Project, a long-term study to document the impact of high quality early childhood education. With follow-up studies at ages 12, 15, 21, 30, and 35: “The findings continue to demonstrate that important, long-lasting benefits are associated with high-quality early childhood programs” (
This early investment is even more important when children face Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) such as being the victim of emotional, physical, verbal, or sexual abuse; witnessing domestic violence; or having an incarcerated family member. Researchers link ACE exposure with a higher likelihood of negative health and behavioral outcomes later in life, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, heart disease, diabetes, and premature death.
United Way working with child care providers to increase quality is crucial, as are the efforts of Weld County’s Early Childhood Council partners and every child care provider in Weld County. Contact Sheri Hannah-Ruh (970-353-4300 or, director of early childhood initiatives, to learn more or to make an investment of time or money in this work. This could include a Colorado Child Care Contribution Credit, which allows a 50% State of Colorado tax credit on donations made to United Way that support training for offering high quality child care. In years ahead, I hope that you, too, will gain a new understanding of when the back-to-school season begins.
Nina Duran-Gutierrez is a United Way of Weld County board of director member and the chair of Weld County’s Early Childhood Council.