COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives and our sense of safety and well -being. It is a challenging time that has caused all to change our daily routines, connections and communications with colleagues, friends and family. As with any change, we all experience a sense of loss, grief and stress.
Your United Way immediately responded to this crisis and the impact on our communities most vulnerable children, youth, families and older adults. I have had the great fortune of working at United Way of Weld County (UWWC) for over 30 years. In this time we have responded and weathered several community challenges including the closure or move of major generous companies, recessions, tornados and floods. COVID-19 is no exception. While we cannot predict the length nor total impact of this challenge, I have the faith and belief that we will once again weather this challenge.
I have never been as proud of the UWWC staff, volunteers, community partners and donors. Our staff and volunteers have not skipped a beat in our daily operations despite the challenges of COVID-19. Thanks to technology, the majority of our staff have been working remotely either a portion or all of their time, being as productive, accountable and committed as ever. All are working together to respond to the impacts of COVID-19.
Meetings, trainings, program delivery and communications remain consistent and robust through phone and video conferencing platforms amongst staff, our Board of Directors, volunteers and community organization partners. We have learned new skills to adapt to this environment. Our office at 814 9th St., Greeley, is open from 1-4 p.m. Monday through Friday to accept in-kind and financial donations at the south entrance.
We continue to serve our donors and Weld County residents in need of our help and assistance. We continue to meet our goals and objectives and to coordinate and collaborate for greater effectiveness and efficiency, living united.
I hope you take time to read the details on all that has been accomplished by your United Way in the last two months. This is thanks to you, our partners and generous donors.