United Way of Weld County Promises for Children
In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and for the safety and health of our community, United Way of Weld County (UWWC) Promises for Children has canceled or postponed events and classes. Here is an update for child care providers and program participants.
Child Care providers
- Emergency Funding Child Care Providers Can Use Now
Child care providers across the nation are closing as measures are set in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19. If your child care business has closed or seen a drop in children attending and you’re experiencing financial distress, these resources may help. Read more here! - The Colorado Emergency Child Care Collaborative is a new effort to match available child care options to the following critical personnel during our communities’ time of need.
Who qualifies?
- Health care providers and staff: Doctors, nurses, and all hospital support personnel, including maintenance and janitorial staff
- Public safety: Police, firefighters, EMT, Department of Corrections
- Staff supporting critically at-risk populations: Long-term care facilities, mental health facilities, residential facilities subject to available capacity
During this effort, staff may return to the child care centers where they previously worked or could be placed at a different location based on demand. These educators will be paid an enhanced rate that recognizes their extra effort and commitment to serving our community in a time of need. Both licensed teachers and already qualified child and school-age care providers are eligible to take these roles. Please visit covidchildcarecolorado.com for more complete information.
- Colorado has qualified for the federal Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program. This means that small businesses, private nonprofit organizations, small agricultural cooperatives and small aquaculture enterprises in all 64 counties that have been impacted by COVID-19 can seek individual low-interest small business loans up to $2 million to pay key needs such as fixed debts, payroll and accounts payable. Eligibility information, loan application links and emerging economic recovery resources can all be found at choosecolorado.com.
UWWC Promises for Children Classes
Effective March 19, 2020, Gov. Jared Polis issued an executive order restricting public gatherings to no more than 10 people. This includes community, civic, public, leisure, faith-based events, sporting events with spectators, concerts, conventions, fundraisers, parades, fairs, festivals, or any similar event that brings 10 or more people together. This order is intended to prevent an increase in the number of people with serious infections, resulting in an overwhelmed healthcare system. The order will remain in effect for 30 days unless otherwise extended.
- Expanding Quality in Infant and Toddler Care Initiative
- Staff are working with the Colorado Office of Early Childhood to decide the best course of action to complete the last six modules. Students will be notified.
- Spanish and English PASO
- Staff are exploring options to continue classes using virtual technology.
- Best Start for Babies
- It will be determined before May 1, 2020, if classes will be able to resume.
- Events
- Northern Colorado Children Festival on April 11 has been canceled. Mark your calendar to join us next year on April 10, 2021.
- Child Care Provider Appreciation has been postponed. We’re looking to reschedule for May 30, but that has not been confirmed yet.