Go where You’re needed
Consider a year of service as your next step and join AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps members serve full-time for one year and receive a small living allowance as well as money for education costs upon completing the program. Members bring passion and perseverance where the need is greatest: to organizations that help eradicate poverty by working to advance local solutions. The NoCO AmeriCorps Project partners with the Corporation for National and Community Service, local nonprofit organizations, and government agencies to mobilize and support members throughout Larimer and/or Weld County. AmeriCorps members build nonprofit capacity, strengthen communities, and develop their careers throughout their year of service.
“We prepare better when we prepare together; that’s why I’m so excited to engage our community in ways to better prepare themselves, their families, and those around them in the event of a disaster. Through this work, I feel the VISTA program has truly helped me make a difference.”
Brett Garris, former United Way 211 VISTA Member
What is Nonprofit Capacity Building?
- Developing outreach and marketing campaigns
- Building a social media presence
- Creating a program database
- Writing grants
- Managing a program in its first year
- Recruiting volunteers
- And more!
Member Benefits
- Receive a bi-weekly living allowance ($575.40) to cover basic expenses.
- Choose between a Segal Education Award to pay for post-secondary education or qualified student loans ($6,345), or a cash stipend ($1,800).
- Learn about the work of nonprofit organizations and attend monthly professional development trainings.
- Qualify for non-competitive eligibility, a unique hiring path that makes it easier for federal agencies to hire you.
How it Works
- Create your application on My.AmeriCorps.gov.
- Choose your focus and apply for a project that matches your passions.
- Match with an organization – if selected, you will serve specifically with a partnering organization and their project.
- Work with fellow members and serve alongside your peers through the NoCO AmeriCorps Project, which acts as an intermediary and supports VISTAs locally to navigate their year of service.
- Serve for a full year, or apply for one of our 10 week Summer Associate positions!
What are Summer Associates?
Summer Associates is a 9 or 10-week long, full-time summer position that includes both capacity building and direct service. Benefits include:
- Receive a bi-weekly living allowance ($575.40) to cover basic expenses.
- Choose between a Segal Education award to pay for post-secondary education or qualified student loans ($1,311.11), or a cash stipend ($345).
- Learn about the work of nonprofit organizations and attend monthly professional development meetings.
What is an AmeriCorps Leader?
Leaders work to expand and build the capacity of individual AmeriCorps members and their service sites. AmeriCorps Leaders have previously served a full term of full-time service with any AmeriCorps program or with Peace Corps, and have demonstrated exemplary skills and leadership in community service.
Benefits include:
- Receive a bi-weekly living allowance ($667.52) to cover basic expenses.
- Choose between a Segal Education Award to pay for post-secondary education costs or qualified student loans ($6,345), or a cash stipend ($3000).
- Qualify for non-competitive eligibility, a unique hiring path that makes it easier for federal employers to hire you.
- Collaborate and plan professional development for your VISTAs as well as support them through their year of service while gaining more skills in community service and management.