Weld Project Connect SERVICE PROVIDER REGISTRATION Step 1 of 2 50% Orgaization(Required) Deliverable/Service provided(Required) “Key in the provision of services is immediacy. The direct on-site provision of a service or product, such as haircuts, eyeglasses, and a counseling session – is what sets Project Connect apart.” A deliverable is a tangible good, a quality of life experience, a real service with immediate access – not simply a referral, brochure or application. A deliverable demands “same day” results, with delivery and execution. A deliverable is a service, a good or product, a screening and an appointment. A few examples of a deliverable are a Colorado ID, a library card, a voucher for a replacement Birth Certificate, a pet license, a book, hygiene items, a massage, a counseling session with a therapist, a ruling by a judge for community service for a municipal offense, a resume, just to name a few. An application for a service may be a deliverable, only if the application is completed and finished in its entirety by the guest with the help of the service provider and submitted that same day. A deliverable is NOT: • Putting one’s name on a list • A brochure, business card or flyer • An application to be filled out and submitted at some time in the future and elsewhere.Primary Contact(Required) First Last Day/Office Phone(Required)Cell Phone(Required)Email(Required) Provide a single, one-line question (based on Arial 9 pt. type) for the Guest Intake Form. Example: Are you over 18, born in Colorado and need to order your birth certificate?Intake Form QuestionA RESOURCE NOTEBOOK WILL BE AVAILABLE TO NAVIGATORS AND GUESTS TO LEARN MORE ABOUT EACH SERVICE. Write a paragraph describing specifically what your deliverable service is. Include any special requirements (age, children in the house, pregnant, etc.) that are conditions of your service. If your service represents a program, please explain that program and exactly what you will be doing at Weld Project Connect.Paragraph Description for Resource NotebookIt is important for us to understand the value of your service to the community. Everything, even a free service has a value. List what would be a fair value if a person had to pay for the service you provide. For example: 1 Haircut = $20.Value of Service Logistical NeedsSquare footage (amount of space) needed: Attach a detailed diagram showing desired layout. (Indicate table placement, chair placement, etc.)Max. file size: 300 MB.Electricity Yes No If YES you will provide surge protector and a minimum of 50’ ext cordTables Yes No Table Quantity Chairs Yes No Chair Quantity Privacy Yes No Curtains Yes No Confidential Room Yes No Do you have an outdoor, mobile unit Yes No Please describe unit How much space is needed Electricity Needed? Yes No Do you need tables and chairs for your area? Yes No # of tables # of chairs T-ShirtsTotal number of service providers/staff working the day of the event = Total # of T-shirts Small Medium Large XL XXL XXXL ConnectivityIf bringing computer equipment, which devices need to connect to the Internet? Please check all that apply:Weld County Government services/departmentDevice #1 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Device #2 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Device #3 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Device #4 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer City of Greeley service/departmentDevice #1 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Device #2 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Device #3 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Device #4 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Public/outside agency (Equipment you will be bringing)Needs (please mark all that apply) Wi-FI Need Internet Connection Bringing Printer Will need assistance with IT Device #1 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Device #2 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Device #3 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Device #4 Desktop Computer Laptop Printer Special Needs: Δ